Eiffel Summit 2019.2

Welcome everyone to the Eiffel Summit 2019.2 at Axis Communications AB in Lund.

Register here

The practicals

Find your way here

Trying to find you way to Lund and Axis Communications AB can be tricky, so we've added a map for your convenience. Enjoy

Parking (Summit is located 'HERE')

Hotel tips

If you are traveling from far away and coming down to us in southern Sweden, we understand that you might want to have some tips of where you can stay during your visit.

We recommend Elite Hotel here in Lund Ideon (Just a 1 minute walk from Axis Communications HQ).

Elite Hotel


We will not give you the full agenda. But this is how we are thinking of structuring the days.

Day 1 (18/11)

We will start the day with Keynotes and then break out into smaller "breakout-presentations" where we can listen to what we're most interested in.
There will be breakfast and lunch served by Axis Communications AB.

Day 2 (19/11)

Talk about the eiffel community on Github and report on what has been done since last we met.
After this there will be breakout-sessions where we can talk more about the protocol and what we want to do until the next summit
There will be breakfast and lunch served by Axis Communications AB.

Lastly, we will discuss where we will hold Eiffel Summit 2020.

Register here

Are you still interested in coming to visit us in Lund?
Please register here
The Eiffel community welcomes you.

Other summits